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    1. Feddag, M-L. (2012) Marginal pairwise likelihood to the Bradley-Terry model
      SFDS: 44emes Journees de statistique, Bruxelles, 21-25 May.

    2. Feddag, M-L.; Hardouin, J-B., Sebille, V. and Blanchin, M. (2012). Power analysis for the PCM in cross sectional stdy for the comparison of two groups
      SFDS: 44emes Journees de statistique, Bruxelles, 21-25 May.

    3. Feddag, M-L.; Woods, D. and Rapley, V. (2009). Weighted space filling design for dependent variables with applications to deterministic computer codes.
      DAE 2009 Conference, poster session , Saint louis, USA, October 14-16.

    4. Feddag, M-L.; Woods, D. and Rapley, V. (2009). Weighted space filling design for dependent variables with applications to deterministic computer codes.
      ENBIS Conference on Design and analysis of computer experiments, poster session , Ecole des mines de Saint etienne, France, July 1-3.

    5. Bacci, S.; Feddag, M-L. (2008). Longitudinal data: different approaches in the context of Rasch models.
      Biostatistics and Quality of life Conference, Nantes, June 16, France.

    6. Feddag, M-L. ; Bacci, S. (2008). Composite likelihood for the longitudinal Rasch model.
      Workshop on Composite likelihood , Poster session, Warwick, April 15-17.

    7. Feddag, M-L. ; Turner, H-L. and Firth, D. (2007). Pseudo-Likelihood methods for complex mixed effects models.
      NCRM Conference, Poster session, Manchester, January 11-12.

    8. Feddag, M-L. (2006). Statistical Inference for the mixed Bradley-Terry model.
      Latent Class models, Perugia, September 10-13.

    9. Feddag, M-L. (2005). Inferential statistics for the longitudinal Rasch model.
      37emes Journées de Statistique, Pau, June 17-22.

    10. Feddag, M-L. (2004). Approximate AIC to the multivariate mixed Rasch models.
      Journées de la Statistique Rennaises , Rennes, October 28-29.

    11. Feddag, M-L.; Mesbah, M. (2003). Semiparametric Approach to the Multivariate Mixed Rasch Model.
      Workshop on Semiparametric Models and Applications , Mont Saint Michel, May 15-17.

    12. Feddag, M-L.; Mesbah, M. (2002). Estimating Equations for Longitudinal Mixed Model with applications to QoL.
      International Workshop on Environment and QoL, Vannes, November 07-08.

    13. Feddag, M-L.; Mesbah, M. (2002). Estimating Equations for Parameters of Longitudinal Mixed Rasch Models.
      The second Euro-Japanese Workshop on Stochastic Risk Modelling for Finance, Insurance, Production and Reliability , Chamonix, September 18-20.

    14. Feddag, M-L. ; Mesbah, M. (2002). Generalized Estimating Equations to the Longitudinal Mixed Rasch Model.
      The 23th Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences (SMABS), Tilburg, July 01-04.

    15. Feddag, M-L.; Grama, I. and Mesbah, M. (2002). Generalized Estimating Equation to Rasch model with random person parameter.
      4th International Conference on Statistics, Probability and Related Areas , DeKalb, June 14-18.

    16. Feddag, M-L.; Grama, I.; Mesbah, M. (2002). Estimation des paramètres d'un modèle de Rasch mixte par la méthode GEE. Application en qualité de vie.
      Journées de Modèles Mixtes et Biométrie, Paris, January 24-25.

    17. Feddag, M-L.; Grama, I.; Mesbah, M. (2002). GEE pour un modèle de Rasch mixte longitudinal. Application en qualité de vie.
      34\`emes Journ\'ees de Statistique, Bruxelles.

    18. Feddag, M-L.; Grama, I.; Mesbah, M. (2001). Approche GEE pour le modèle de Rasch.
      34\`emes Journées de Statistique, Nantes.

    19. Feddag, M-L. (1999). Modelling the process of missing data in longitudinal studies.
      Congrés de l'Association Mathématiques Algérienne, Annaba, Algeria.

    20. Baba Hadji, A.; Feddag, M-L. (1994). Analysis of the correlated binary data.
      Journées de Statistiques Appliquées, Algiers, Algeria.


    1. Pairwise likelihood for the longitudinal Rasch model (2007).
      Biostatistics seminar - University Paris 6, Paris, April 23.

    2. Inferential satistics for the Rasch model, with applications to Quality of life (2005).
      Young researcher seminar, University of Warwick .

    3. Estimation for the longitudinal mixed Rasch model ) (2005).
      University of Rennes 2, Rennes.

    4. GEE approach for the multidimentionnal logistic model. Applications using Rasch models (2004).
      University Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3, Toulouse.

    5. Weighted GEE approach to the incomplete longitudinal data (2000).
      SABRES - University of South Brittany (UBS), Vannes.

    6. Generalized Estimating Equations for the incomplete longitudinal data (2000).
      Department STID - University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau.

    7. Modelling the process of missing data in QoL trial (1997).
      SABRES - University of South Brittany (UBS), Vannes.

    8. EM algorithm for the incomplete longitudinal data (1995).
      Department of Probabily and Statistics - University of Sciences (USTHB), Algiers.

    9. Estimating methods for the incomplete longitudinal data (1992).
      IFR 169, INSERM, Villejuif, Paris.